Skyscraper Reservoir

Compared to some of my previous days hikes, the views along the trail to Skyscraper Reservoir were modest and the wild flowers weren't as plentiful, but the area around the lakes was very pretty.  It was a relatively hot day of hiking and the remaining snowfields were melting fast.

Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.

1. The last half mile or so of road to the trailhead was very rocky and swamped with water, so I didn't drive it.  There were cars at the trailhead though, so it must be possible.

2. There is a nice little bypass trail around that section of road.

3. Almost to the trailhead, this bridge crosses North Fork Middle Boulder Creek.

4. On the trail now and the view early in the hike.

5. One of the Eldora ski runs.

6. Waterfall on the South Fork Middle Boulder Creek.

7. Waterfall on the South Fork Middle Boulder Creek.

8. Waterfall on the South Fork Middle Boulder Creek.

9. Waterfall on the South Fork Middle Boulder Creek.

10. Golden Banner.

11. The view along the trail.

12. Just a bit farther up the trail and the South Fork Middle Boulder Creek doesn't have nearly as much water in it.

13. A bridge over the creek leads to a very nice meadow.

14. The view from the meadow.  The farthest peak on the right is Mound Jasper.

15. Blue Columbine.

16. The trail along the stream that drains from Woodland Lake.

17. Out of death springs life.

18. Getting close to Woodland Lake.

19. A closer shot of the stream.

20. Woodland Lake.

21. A panorama of Woodland Lake.  Super Size It!  (375kB).

22. Another panorama of Woodland Lake taken from the inlet end.  Super Size It!  (336kB).

23. A little farther up the trail and looking back at Woodland Lake.

24. I broke through a snow bridge here and fell a couple feet down.  If Igloo Ed was with me, he would have seen that coming.

25. There it is, Skyscraper Reservoir!

26. The dam was built in 1940 and is 24 feet high.

27. A panorama of the reservoir.  Super Size It!  (273kB).

28. I decided to explore the area below the dam a little.

29. The stream below the dam.

30. The water is running through some sort of metal chute.

31. Just another dam picture.