Mount Audubon
Indian Peaks

Mount Audubon is a popular hike in the Indian Peaks Wilderness south of Rocky Mountain National Park.  The peaks here are every bit as impressive as those in RMNP.

Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.

1. Mount Audubon from Brainard Lake.  The trailhead is just a short distance from here.

2. In the switchbacks approaching tree line.  Mount Toll is at center and Mount Audubon is partially in view to the right.

3. The trail at tree line.

4. The trail and a large snowfield below Audubon's peak.

5. Looking south toward the peaks that make up the continental divide.  I'm still below the snow line but getting closer.

6. On the trail (what's left of it) above snow line.  If you look real close, there are two hikers ahead right at the horizon, silhouetted against the blue sky, starting the final push up to the summit.

7. The home stretch climb.  It's rocky and there are some cairns to follow.  Later when I came back down, I followed a different route which was easier going.  Cairns don't always mark the best route.

8. At the summit.  This is the ridge leading over to Paiute Peak (to the right).  Mount Toll is to the left.

9. Looking south.

10. Looking north with a rock shelter in the foreground.  Longs Peak can be seen in the distance.

11. After zooming in with the camera, it's much easier to make out Longs Peak.  Left to right the peaks are; Chiefs Head Peak, Pagoda Mountain, Longs Peak and Mount Meeker.