Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.
1. Mount Audubon from Brainard Lake. The trailhead is just a short distance from here. |
2. In the switchbacks approaching tree line. Mount Toll is at center and Mount Audubon is partially in view to the right. |
3. The trail at tree line. |
4. The trail and a large snowfield below Audubon's peak. |
5. Looking south toward the peaks that make up the continental divide. I'm still below the snow line but getting closer. |
7. The home stretch climb. It's rocky and there are some cairns to follow. Later when I came back down, I followed a different route which was easier going. Cairns don't always mark the best route. |
8. At the summit. This is the ridge leading over to Paiute Peak (to the right). Mount Toll is to the left. |
9. Looking south. |
10. Looking north with a rock shelter in the foreground. Longs Peak can be seen in the distance. |
11. After zooming in with the camera, it's much easier to make out Longs Peak. Left to right the peaks are; Chiefs Head Peak, Pagoda Mountain, Longs Peak and Mount Meeker. |