Misc Photos

These photographs were taken at various places throughout Zion Canyon.  With the exception of some of the floral and wildlife photographs, most weren't part of a specific hike and were generally very easy to get to.

Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.

1. The fingers of the Kolob, taken from the Kolob Canyons Viewpoint in the Kolob Canyons area of Zion National Park.  I had planned to return to this area to do some hiking, but ran out of time.  Super Size It!  (355kB).

2. Weeping Rock.  Here, water emerges from the porous sandstone above creating a delicate waterfall.  The photograph was taken from an observation area under a rock overhang and behind the falling water.

3. A pair of closed arches on the rock wall in the Big Bend area.  There appears to be some Anasazi ruins in one of them.

4. A closer look at one of the arches.

5. Telephoto of an apparent grain store in one of the arches.

6. Climbers on the rock wall in the Big Bend area.

7. Telephoto of the climbers.  This climb is more than they can accomplish in a single day, so they will spend the night on the wall.

8. The Virgin River along the riverside walk somewhat upstream from the Temple of Sinawava.

9. The Great White Throne, taken from the road between the Big Bend bus stop and Weeping Rock.

10. The outside lunch area at Zion Lodge.

11. The tree in the front lawn of Zion Lodge.

12. The Three patriarchs.

13. Bridge over the Virgin River near the Court of the Patriarchs.

14. Bridge over the Virgin River and one of the three Patriarchs.

15. A collage of plant and animal life in Zion Canyon.  My emphasis on flowers as plant life is definitely not typical of the canyon, but they are there if you look for them.  I saw a tarantula too but couldn't take its photograph because I was in the back of the bus packed full of Japanese kids between bus stops.  When they take field trips, they don't mess around!