Finch and Pear Lakes

This hike didn't have as much water scenery as the hike to Ouzel and Bluebird Lakes, but it had a greater variety of wild flowers.

Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.

1. Sego Lily.

2. Porter Lovage.

3. Silver Lupine.

4. Not sure which flower this is.  If anyone knows let me know.

5. Mountain Harebell.


7. Silver Lupine.

8. Gaillardia.

9. Not sure which flower this is.  If anyone knows let me know.

10. Blue Columbine.

11. This squirrel was giving me a scolding for being in his territory.

12. The nearest peak is Mount Meeker.  The pointy peak behind is Pagoda Mountain.

13. The trail travels through an area that was burned in a fire in 1978.

14. Golden Banner.

15. Chiming Bells.

16. Finch Lake.

17. The trail approaching Pear Lake.

18. An unnamed lake along the way.

19. Yellow Pond Lily.

20. Scarlet Paintbrush.

21. Nearing Pear Lake.

22. Pear Lake below Copeland Mountain.

23. Not sure which flower this is.  If anyone knows let me know.

24. White Geranium.

25. The seed heads of the Woodland Clematis.