Be sure to click on these thumbnail photos for larger versions.
1. Sego Lily. |
2. Porter Lovage. |
3. Silver Lupine. |
4. Not sure which flower this is. If anyone knows let me know. |
5. Mountain Harebell. |
6. |
7. Silver Lupine. |
8. Gaillardia. |
9. Not sure which flower this is. If anyone knows let me know. |
10. Blue Columbine. |
11. This squirrel was giving me a scolding for being in his territory. |
12. The nearest peak is Mount Meeker. The pointy peak behind is Pagoda Mountain. |
13. The trail travels through an area that was burned in a fire in 1978. |
14. Golden Banner. |
15. Chiming Bells. |
16. Finch Lake. |
17. The trail approaching Pear Lake. |
18. An unnamed lake along the way. |
19. Yellow Pond Lily. |
20. Scarlet Paintbrush. |
21. Nearing Pear Lake. |
22. Pear Lake below Copeland Mountain. |
23. Not sure which flower this is. If anyone knows let me know. |
24. White Geranium. |
25. The seed heads of the Woodland Clematis. |